Poems & Stories-7

19/07/2012 12:33

       Never Ending Quest (Poem)

kissing ripples of love rising again

Like ripened fruit on afig

Echoing the jingles of your laughter

Still my heart weeping in forlorn

The feather of hope falling like

Shedding rippen leaven in mapple

Yellow and red thy fallen with a weep

Showing my eyes resemble the monsoon

With a weep of seperation as the

Bird's flying up in a rhythm

The rhyme of breeze wizzling

In my ears with a trumpet of winner

Where you vanished behind

the veil of destiny hidden you from me!

The weep in my heart thrusting four

walls of my heart breaking.

Still the stood as impeccable mountain

come again and dance in the blossom

Bearing the spring in my life ever!

2nd March-2007